The concept of Global Justice as a mean to prevent the violation of Human Rights by extractive industries

Keywords: natural resources, global justice, extractives industries, human rights, equity, environmental justice


The paradox of «the natural resources curse» has shown that extractive economies do not contribute positively to the eradication of poverty, discrimination and inequality. On the contrary, these problems seem to worsen in such economies, increasing the levels of corruption, inequality and violence. While advocates of these activities emphasize the advantages of developing extractive industries, their critics underline the environmental, political and social consequences of this industry. It is undeniable, however, that the main cause of social and environmental conflicts in the world, including the violation of fundamental, cultural and environmental rights, is the commodification and exploitation of nature. The global character of extractive industries demands a more comprehensive theory of justice that considers the global challenge and state sovereignty, as well as the complexity that characterizes this type of problem in terms of space, time, agents and subjects. Political philosophers, mostly Anglo-American, have developed various theoretical approaches to global justice that refer to development, redistribution, environmental protection, solidarity, responsibility, the protection of human rights and equity. This article seeks to analyze the extent to which the concept of global justice can contribute to a better understanding and resolution of socio-environmental conflicts related to extractive industries.

Received: 25 June 2020
Accepted: 21 March 2021


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How to Cite
Urteaga-Crovetto, Patricia, and Yenny Vega Cárdenas. 2021. “The Concept of Global Justice As a Mean to Prevent the Violation of Human Rights by Extractive Industries”. Deusto Journal of Human Rights, no. 7 (June), 37-63.