Articles in Press
The ARTICLES IN PRESS section includes those articles that have been reviewed and accepted for publication but are awaiting to be assigned to a specific and definitive issue of Deusto Journal of Human Rights (DJHR). The objective is to make the research results available to the academic and professional communities as soon as possible. The works published in the ARTICLES IN PRESS section are definitive and citable, as they have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) ( Likewise, all works published in this section include information on the dates of reception, acceptance, and publication; thus contributing to greater transparency of the editorial process of the Journal.
Once the articles are assigned to a specific and definitive issue of Deusto Journal of Human Rights, they are permanently removed from the ARTICLES IN PRESS section and transferred to the corresponding edition (
There may be minor differences in format and metadata between the “in press” version of an article and its version published in a specific issue of DJHR, such as information regarding the number, volume, pagination, and publication date.
Collective violence and peace culture: Research on social psychology of memory and social reconciliation
No. 8 (2021)HTML corr.: 07/01/2022