Kasey McCall-Smith, Jan Wouters and Felipe Gómez Isa (eds). 2019. The Faces of Human Rights, Oxford: Hart Publishing. 356 p.
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, numerous initiatives were launched for its celebration, including events, conferences and publications, all seeking to commemorate its validity. Many of these publications, such as the one coordinated by Carol Proner, Héctor Olasolo, Carlos Villán Durán, Gisele Ricobom and Charlotth Back (2018), or the book directed by Carla Ferstman, addressed this tribute from the analysis of the evolution of the institutions and the normative body of the international system for the protection of human rights originating from the Declaration. However, among all of these, the publication coordinated by Kasey McCall, Jan Wouters and Felipe Gómez incorporates a different and necessary perspective. It reminds us that the milestone achieved with the Declaration was the result of the effort and struggle of many faces: men and women who, throughout history and from different parts of the world and backgrounds, made their contribution to the struggle for the freedom and dignity of people.Publicación en línea: 26 junio 2020
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Cómo citar
López Belloso, María. 2020. «Kasey McCall-Smith, Jan Wouters and Felipe Gómez Isa (eds). 2019. The Faces of Human Rights, Oxford: Hart Publishing. 356 P.». Revista Deusto De Derechos Humanos, n.º 5 (junio), 271-75. https://doi.org/10.18543/djhr.1798.
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