The Religious Integration in Spain of the Moroccan Muslim Second and 1.5 Generation
The purpose of this paper is to explain current processes of immigrant Moroccan children born in Spain, or those that arrived during the first socialization period (until the age of 10). We will describe, using a transnational lens, how this young people follow Islam in a different country from their parent’s homeland. At the same time, we will compare and contrast this youth with those from Latin America and observe the most significant differences and similarities. Based on a previous quantitative survey, the study is developed by an ethnographic work analyzing their religious behaviour as Muslims in Madrid. Two most important conclusions are: the youth that arrived very early in life or were born in Spain look to build a reconciled position for Muslims, with Spanish values. Second, this group in the religious field is playing a double role; first inside the Islamic community and second in the entire society.
Published online: 11 December 2017