Garrido, María Belén. 2022. Rupturas presidenciales: las acciones de la fuerza pública ante movimientos noviolentos del Ecuador en 1997, 2000 y 2005. Sevilla: Universo de letras. 382 p.

  • Christian Danilo Bravo Allaica Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ecuador
Keywords: public force, presidential ruptures, nonviolent movements, Ecuador


The review exposes the main theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions of the book Rupturas presidenciales. María Belén Garrido, author of the book, analyzes in depth the relationship between the main factors that influenced the public force to apply a minimum degree of repression to nonviolent movements in the presidential ruptures of Abdalá Bucaram (1997), Jamil Mahuad (2000) and Lucio Gutiérrez (2005) in Ecuador. The review shows the key variables and factors used in the research, the strategies applied in the field work, the organization of the book into chapters and the main findings of the research. The review shows how the book in question offers a set of tools for the study of public forces and their relationships with the governments in power and society.


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Barany, Zoltan. 2016. How armies respond to revolutions and why. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

How to Cite
Bravo Allaica, Christian Danilo. 2024. “Garrido, María Belén. 2022. Rupturas Presidenciales: Las Acciones De La Fuerza Pública Ante Movimientos Noviolentos Del Ecuador En 1997, 2000 Y 2005. Sevilla: Universo De Letras. 382 P.”. Deusto Journal of Human Rights, no. 13 (June), 183-87.
Book Reviews