The feminist agenda in the proposal for a new Chilean Constitution

Keywords: feminism, gender justice, constitutional agendas, legal frameworks


This article analyzes the relationships between rebellious socio-cultural processes and the establishment of legal norms in the context of the elaboration of a new Constitution in Chile (2019-2022). The text interrogates the events that converged in the social outburst in Chile in October 2019 and that gave rise, in a context of great political instability, to an institutional solution demanded by the social movements: the elaboration of a new Constitution through democratic and participatory instances. The analysis highlights the role of feminist movements as a democratic transforming force as well as their incidence in the institutionalization of the Constitutional Convention and in the incorporation of feminist demands in the proposal for a new Constitution. The sources of this analysis are the participant observation of the constituent process, in-depth interviews, intervention in feminist organizations and digital platforms, and information produced by the Constitutional Convention and the monitoring observatories.

Received: 20 June 2022 
Accepted: 07 November 2022


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How to Cite
Guzmán, Virginia. 2022. “The Feminist Agenda in the Proposal for a New Chilean Constitution”. Deusto Journal of Human Rights, no. 10 (December), 161-83.