Discrimination against immigrants and the policy making of norms and institutions for equal treatment. Introduction to the monograph

Keywords: migration processes, immigration, discrimination, equality policies, policy making of anti-discrimination policies


The article, in addition to presenting the meaning of the public call and synthesising the content of the articles in the monograph on "Equality, Discrimination and Immigration", presents three main issues. Firstly, the iron laws that dominate migratory processes and which make immigrants one of the groups most affected by discrimination, which gives meaning to the focus of the monograph. Secondly, the policy making of the comprehensive equality law in Spain because, although some of the contents of this law are dealt with in various articles of the monograph, it is important not to forget the long and winding process that led to its approval. And thirdly, the article deals with the social complexity involved in moving from anti-discrimination regulations to egalitarian social practices.


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How to Cite
Cachón Rodríguez, Lorenzo. 2023. “Discrimination Against Immigrants and the Policy Making of Norms and Institutions for Equal Treatment. Introduction to the Monograph”. Deusto Journal of Human Rights, no. 12 (December), 11-34. https://doi.org/10.18543/djhr.2902.