Transitional Justice measures implemented in Argentina: their psychosocial impact

  • Elena Zubieta University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Juan Bombelli Argentine Catholic University, Argentina
  • Marcela Muratori University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Argentine dictatorship, collective violence, transitional justice measures, psychosocial impact, violence affectation


Terrorism carried out by State forces is the most reprehensible action to be taken because the power and resources of a country are used to generate terror. Such power and resources are aimed at reaching certain political goals instead of serving the citizens. Transitional Justice has raised complex debates related to democratisation, human rights and the reconstruction of the State and its institutions after periods of severe social conflict. After the last military dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983), different transitional justice mechanisms were implemented to cope with the consequences of the State’s collective violence: Truth Commission, criminal trials, institutional reforms, as well as reparatory gestures. A descriptivecorrelational study of group difference was developed, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. It was aimed at analysing the psychosocial impact of transitional justice measures taken in Argentina. The study was conducted on a non-probabilistic sample composed of 576 participants. Findings support the effectiveness of combined Transitional Justice measures, the weakness of recognition of criminal acts and apologies, and significant differences in terms of violence affectation.

Received: 20 September 2021
Accepted: 25 November 2021


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How to Cite
Zubieta, Elena, Juan Bombelli, and Marcela Muratori. 2021. “Transitional Justice Measures Implemented in Argentina: Their Psychosocial Impact”. Deusto Journal of Human Rights, no. 8 (December), 19-49.