The commission of crimes against humanity by transnational corporations and the extension of the jurisdiction ratione personae of the International Criminal Court
Can transnational corporations commit crimes against humanity and be investigated and prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC)? This article intends to provide an answer to this question by analyzing the legal possibilities and obstacles that could be found in the application of the Rome Statute of the ICC. First, the article examines whether corporations could meet the requirements established by the recent jurisprudence of the ICC in order to be considered as the concept of “organization” stated in art. 7 of the Rome Statute (RS), complying with the political element of crimes against humanity, and being criminally responsible for these crimes in international law. Secondly, it addresses the extension of the jurisdiction ratione personae of the ICC to include the legal person, specifically corporations, taking into consideration the legal arguments emanating from international law, the ICC system and criminal law.
Received: 03 February 2020
Accepted: 21 September 2020
Published online: Articles in Press 23 October 2020
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