
Deusto Journal of Human Rights / Revista Deusto de Derechos Humanos is planning a monograph on "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights" for its 14th issue (December 2024).

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The Deusto Journal of Human Rights invites academics, researchers, practitioners and experts in the field to submit their original contributions and critical reflections on the interplay between artificial intelligence and human rights. This monograph aims to foster dialogue and knowledge-sharing to address emerging ethical and legal challenges related to the development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems.

Some of the thematic areas of interest include the following:

  1. Ethics in artificial intelligence: Assessment of the ethical implications in the design, development and application of artificial intelligence systems, with a focus on transparency, fairness and accountability.
  2. Human rights and discrimination: Analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence on privacy and data protection, examining how technological innovations can be reconciled with fundamental rights.
  3. Automated decision-making systems: Study of the impacts of decision-making algorithms on a range of areas, such as justice, health and employment, and how these systems can safeguard human rights.
  4. Inclusion and bias in algorithms: Research on inclusion and equity in algorithm development, as well as the identification and mitigation of biases that could perpetuate social inequalities.
  5. Governance and artificial intelligence: Study of the implementation of artificial intelligence-based systems to promote more inclusive democracies that respect human rights, avoiding the potential dangers that the use of such technologies entails for the exercise of the right to political participation.
  6. Regulation and legal framework: Analysis of existing legal frameworks and proposals for the regulation of artificial intelligence, ensuring the protection of human rights without stifling innovation. Impact of the forthcoming implementation of the European Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA)

Instructions for the submission of proposals:

  • Proposals must be original and not previously published, and must be a minimum of 6,000 and a maximum of 10,000 words in length.
  • Abstracts of up to 30 lines will be accepted (, including a brief description of the problem, methodology and expected results.
  • Proposals may be submitted in English or Spanish.

Key dates:

  • Deadline for submission of proposals (abstracts): 7 March 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: 12 March 2024
  • Deadline for submission of final versions: 31 May 2024

Guest Editor: José Miguel Iturmendi Rubia