The coherence between the regulatory frameworks of United Nations, the EU and Spanish State. The case of development cooperation policies and the external dimension of migratory policy

  • Nerea Azkona
Keywords: coherence, regulatory frameworks, development cooperation, migratory policy


This article aims to clarify the coherence between the policies of cooperation and migration of the Spanish State as a member of the EU and the United Nations. We have considered the crossroads of the concepts of development, migration and cooperation development in the scope of work of the CPD, which advocates shared responsibility in the field of migration and development. If the objective of the development cooperation is the creation of conditions that favour the development of societies and people in conditions of poverty and exclusion, are the migration policies consistent with this objective? What degree of inconsistency are we willing to take?

Received: 31 May 2015
Accepted: 15 October 2015
Published online: 11 December 2017


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Author Biography

Nerea Azkona
Investigadora independiente
How to Cite
Azkona, Nerea. 2017. “The Coherence Between the Regulatory Frameworks of United Nations, the EU and Spanish State. The Case of Development Cooperation Policies and the External Dimension of Migratory Policy”. Deusto Journal of Human Rights, no. 13 (December), 189-217.