The rise of the emerging powers and donors: enhanced multilateralism in humanitarian action? The case of Turkey

  • María del Mar Cabecerans Lopera
Keywords: humanitarian action, donors, Turkey, emerging donors, emerging powers, UN humanitarian system, humanitarianism, humanitarian, clusters


This paper reflects on how geopolitical challenges apply to the humanitarian landscape; and have the potential to alter the foundations of the institutionalized humanitarian system. The emerging powers have become the focus of attention of international analysts for the potential they have in reshaping world affairs. Similarly, new actors have appeared in the humanitarian scene: the so-called emerging donors. This study analyzes through the case study of Turkey how countries with a two-fold identity, like emerging powers and donors, interact with the UN multilateral humanitarian system. The premise behind is that the emerging powers and donors the potential to influence and change the way humanitarian action is carried out.

Published online: 11 December 2017


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Author Biography

María del Mar Cabecerans Lopera
Graduate of the Masters Degree in International Humanitarian Action-NOHA
How to Cite
Cabecerans Lopera, María del Mar. 2017. “The Rise of the Emerging Powers and Donors: Enhanced Multilateralism in Humanitarian Action? The Case of Turkey”. Deusto Journal of Human Rights, no. 11 (December), 161-84.